Monday, January 24, 2011

Valantines Day Banner Printable

I found this over at My Computer is my Canvas and I think it is SO darling!  Not only can you find the printables over there, but a really awesome tutorial for assembling the banner.

I really want to make one, but we are going to be moving (I know, we move constantly, don't we?) in two weeks so by time we get settled Valentine's Day will be over, but maybe next year.  And I though maybe some of you would like to make one.  Valentine's Day decorations are so pretty, I love to deck my house out for Vday almost as much as Christmas. 

Don't forget to enter for the $55 gift card to CSN Stores.  Only two days left :) 

Here's a sneak peek into some of the upcoming giveaways I've got lined up: $55 gift card to Edensfantasy and an awesome Avon package.  That's just a sneak peek, I don't want to spoil all the anticipation.

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