Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Idea Sharin' Wednesday 20

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a $55 gift card to EdensFantasys!


Sorry for my lack of post yesterday, it was a busy busy day!  The little guy has an ear infection so I had to make sure and give him lots of loves and attention.  But here we are Wednesday again and I can't wait to see what you all have in store for me.  We just saw our new apartment today and are moving in Saturday so I need lots of inspiration for decorating that empty space!  So please spread the word!

Here are the winners of last weeks prize: #7 (Coastal Charm) and #20 (Ashley's Craft Corner).  Congrats!  Just shoot me an email to claim your prize :)  I'm not going to be having a prize this week, but I will be featuring lots of projects throughout the week so join the fun and link up any new projects you've been working on!
My hopes are that you will:
Display the Idea Sharin' Wednesday button (or text link) somewhere in your post or on your blog
Comment on at least two other people's projects
But those are not requirements, so just link up and have fun!


  1. Happy Wednesday! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thank you for the chance to share! Have a great rest of the week!

  3. Thanks for Hosting! Would love it if you came and joined me for Friday Brag Fests! Have a great week!
