Thursday, March 10, 2011

Giveaway and Review with Light Scoop

I am in all honesty in love with this product!  If you have a camera with a pop-up flash (all dslr cameras) I would consider it a necessity.  (And we don't take the n word lightly in our house)

Here's how it works: It redirects your camera's flash so that it bounces off the ceiling before landing on your subject. 

Result: Gorgeous, natural lighting!

If you pay much attention to your photos will have noticed a long time ago how unflattering flash is!  I HATE flash.  Before trying out my Light Scoop I avoided flash at all costs!  I took my photos outside whenever I could.  When I took them inside I cranked up my iso settings (gives you lower quality pictures, but allows you to take photos with less light) and still ended up with blurry pictures most the time.  (I mean, come on, do one year olds ever hold still for a photo opt?)

Non-Light Scoop Examples

How cute would this photo have been if it. . . 1) wasn't blurry, 2) didn't have unsightly shadows, and 3) had nicer lighting?  But alas, a kodak moment gone :(

I even have a $200+ external flash unit!  Here's why I never use it: It's big and bulky and annoying to get out.  It does have more flattering lighting than the built in flash, but it still has that flash coloring which I just don't like as much as natural lighting.  And lastly, it sucks up batteries like you wouldn't believe!!!  The funny thing is, according to my manual you can adjust the external flash unit to bounce off the ceiling like Light Scoop does, BUT I've never been able to get it to work.  I guess I can't find the right angle or something.

Here's one taken with my expensive external flash.  Overexposed.  Red eye.  Shadows.  Not nice, rich colors like you get with natural lighting or Light Scoop.

I'll be the first to admit, I'm just not good at taking candids.  Posed portraits with professional lights, I can do, but candids with terrible lighting (most houses) are so frustrating! 

This is why I knew I had to have a Light Scoop the second I saw it.  And I have not been disappointed.  When I look at the photos taken with it, I cannot tell flash was used.  It's light and snaps right on your camera, super easy!  It does all the work for you, angling it perfectly whether you're taking a vertical or horizontal picture.  Finally I can get good pictures of my little guy at any hour of the day, even when he's squirming around.  Oh, the joy that nice, rich colors in a photo brings me!

Light Scoop is also amazing for pictures of your crafts or foods.  If you sell the things you  make, or even just blog about them, you want them to look their best.  Here are some comparisons.  They are more subtle because crafts don't move around :) but they are still obvious when you compare!

Look at those rich colors in the Light Scoop one.  Doesn't it just make you smile?!  In summary, I love Light Scoop because. . .
1) It's light and relatively small (easy to keep in your camera case) 
2) It couldn't possibly be any easier to use.  Seriously folks, snap it on, take a picture, that's it. 
3) It's very affordable!  ($30!)

Note: Since the flash bounces off the ceiling you can't use Light Scoop outside.  Of course in they day you don't need flash outside, so you'll only be out of luck if you are taking pictures outside after the sun sets (rare).  In which case you'll just have to resort to using your flash alone.

Anyways, on to the good part.  You want to win one right?

Here's how to enter:

1) Visit the Light Scoop website and check it out.  Then tell me why you need one. {1 entry}

optional (do as many or as few as you would like)
2) Like Light Scoop on facebook and leave them a comment telling them why you would like to win one. {1 entry}
3) Follow me through google AND like me on facebook (if you use feed burner more than facebook you can subscribe that way instead) {1 entry}
4) Blog about this giveaway {3 entries, be sure to leave 3 comments}
5) Subscribe to Women Who Do It All via email. {1 entry}

This giveaway will run for one week.  The winner will be announced shortly after.  I will notify the winner if he or she misses the post and therefore doesn't email me within a day or two. 


  1. i like you on facebook and follow you on google
    everydayproductsandmore@yahoo dot com

  2. This would be wonderful because we just had our second child, and as a mom it's my job to take a lot of pictures.

  3. Following you through google and feedburner.

  4. Subscribed to your emails.

  5. Visited the Light Scoop site ... holy cow, I NEED one of these! When I photograph my Etsy items and craft projects I'm constantly wandering around the house trying to find the best light ... my craft room only has one window at the far side of the room and it's always so dark! Plus, Germany in Winter and early Spring is so dark and gloomy ... taking photos in the house is almost impossible.

  6. I'm a follower of yours; here and on FB. Whoop!

  7. I like Light Scoop on FB and left a comment that you sent me. If I don't win ... I'll be ordering one! Thanks for the opportunity and giveaway!

  8. i love this. it would enhance my crafts photos totally!

  9. I am a follower and have liked you on FB.

  10. I need a light scoop because I am the one with the camera most everywhere we go, whether it's church or family or friends. Thanks!

  11. I need a light scoop because I have 2 small boys that are in constant motion that I LOVE to photograph. I end up having to edit the good ones in Photoshop because of the 'flash'. This is awesome!

  12. I am a college student, just getting into the photography business. Sadly, all my money goes to law school textbooks. But I would love to use this when I take wedding reception photos for friends this summer!

  13. I am one of your devoted followers!!

  14. I need a light scoop because I just bought a DSLR in January and I NEED all the help I can get for taking great photos!

  15. I Have a horrible habot of night time crafting! I NEED one so bad, and my little princess would appreciate the super bright flash being disbursed!!

  16. I LIked light scoop on FB w/personal account!

  17. That is so awesome! I am a wanna-be photographer and I don't have a nice camera YET, but I am saving up to get one soon. It would be super nice to have a leg up once I get the camera so that's why I want to win this! I already like you on facebook. Great blog by the way :)

  18. I "like"d Light Scoop on FaceBook :)

  19. I would love one of these!!! I get lousy pics all the time inside in low light ----- Pam

  20. This is my new best friend! I need one because all my photos are with flash and I hate the way they look!!

  21. I subscribed to Women Who Do It all now.

  22. I am an avid scrapbooker and I also take LOTS of project pictures. It take me forever to photoshop my photos to get them looking natural. This flash would definitely cut down my time spend on processing photos.

  23. Now I understand why my photos do not turn out so well...the lighting! I never knew there was a simple, and inexpensive fix to the problem.

  24. I Like Light Scoop on facebook and left them a comment telling them why i would like to win one.

  25. I Follow you through google AND like you on facebook

  26. I Subscribe to Women Who Do It All via email.

  27. I like-d Light Scoop on facebook. and left a comment.

  28. I like-d Women Who Do It All on facebook and left a comment.

  29. I have a terrible time getting flash photos to look natural, too. This looks like a simple way to improve them a lot!

  30. This is so cool! I take tons of photos of my kiddos...I hate the blurryness of no flash and the funny coloring caused by the flash. This would be the perfect solution to natural pictures!

  31. I follow you through Goodle Reader!

  32. I take photos at costuming competitions which are always inside. As a result, a lot of my photos look like crap! This would be so wonderful to have!

  33. I would LOVE a light scoop to take better pictures of my little one =)

  34. I need one to help me capture my growing girls. I hate taking indoor shots, because the lighting is terrible in our house. This would literally brighten my day :)
    mommy saves at yahoo dot com

  35. My husband and I attend many indoor evening events. I have had so many disappointing flash photos, I would love to win this flash!!!

  36. I would love to win a Light Scoop so I could take better pictures of bunnies. I work with a rabbit rescue in the area and I have to say the bunnies with the cutest pictures on Petfinder always seem to get adopted first. I want to help out these little guys to get a good home!

  37. I need one because I am a photographer. At all gatherings of friends everyone turns to me to take the pictures and this would be so helpful

    princess.ambi at

  38. I "like" Light Scope on facebook

    princess.ambi at

  39. I "like" you on facebook

    princess.ambi at

  40. i would love to have one of these because i hate flash and, well, need i say more?

  41. I NEED one of these because I live in Fairbanks, AK where we have winter for 8 months out of the year. This winter has been so hard for me to take pics of my family without a flash on, it's just too dark. At -30 degrees, I cannot go outside to take pics..snow is not super flattering, haha.

  42. I'm a new follower of women who do it all!

  43. oh I totally need this. As of right now I hold a piece of paper up in front of my flash to try and defuse the light. Not very effective and a huge pain. Plus my 2 month old doesn't hold still long enough for me to balance the camera and the paper.

    Jessica K.

  44. I'm a follower of your blog and I like you on facebook.

    Jessica K.

  45. i'm your newest follower. flash shadows make me CRINGE! This product looks amazing. pick me, pick me. ;)

  46. i commented to them on why they really need to send me a lightscoop

  47. I need the light scoop because I have 3 kids that need some amazing indoor photos but I really dislike my dslr flash:(

  48. Like light scoop on FB Sarah Shult

  49. I visited Lightscoop and am in love with how beautiful the light turns out with this bad boy. My indoor/night pictures are terrible - I NEED one!

  50. I LIKED Lightscoop on FB and told them how much I need one! (as Nike Litchfield Peterson)

  51. I subscribe via email!

  52. I'm thinking about opening an etsy shop and this would DEFINITELY help with the pictures looking better! Thanks for the chance to win!


  53. I NEEEEEEED this so I can take better pictures of my daughter!

  54. I like Light Scoop on facebook

  55. I like you on FB and follow you on google.

  56. Thank you for the chance to win - I really need this because Im such an amateur! I think this would really make a great tool to have. My Lover is the photographer and I would really enjoy being able to participate in the world of photography with him. I think this would make my portraits much better

  57. I follow you through Google and feedburner

  58. My DIL needs one because she loves to take pictures and is really quite good. This could make them even better.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I really need one of these! I love taking photos of my daughter, but she doesn't hold still! My email is on my profile.

  61. I would love to have one of these!. I have three kiddos that I could use it to take pictures of. Thanks for the giveaway!


  62. I need one of these so bad, our house has very bad natural light so I find I always have to use my flash and I hate the pictures I get when doing so.

  63. I definitely need one. I take so many photos indoors and I want to have adorable pictures of my babies without having to go outside. Especially right now.

  64. I have been wanting on of these for a while. We don't have enough natural light in our house to go completely without a flash, but the auto flash is way too much.


  65. I am now following you through Google and liked you on FB.


  66. I would love, love, love this! My kitchen is so dark, so I always have to take my food photos outside. My family makes fun of me styling my dishes in the yard :)

  67. I NEED a light scoop because I am starting up a photography business (small time- mostly friends and family to begin) and I can't afford expensive lighting equipment but want the professional results!

  68. I need a Light Scoop because my house has horrible lighting! We just moved be a big open house with a lot of windows, to a tiny house with hardly any windows. It's kind of depressing, but being able to take some great pictures would sure make it better!

  69. I like you on FB and I'm a follower!

  70. I need one for upcoming prom pictures the inside ones are always so yellowy

  71. I blogged this giveaway!

  72. I blogged this giveaway!

  73. I blogged this giveaway!!!

  74. I visited the site and just really need one so I can capture those precious moments with my new little guy!

  75. I visited the site and need one of these light scoops so that I don't miss the moment with my 2 cute girls!


  76. I want one so bad because I always take my pictures indoor & this would help my lighting so much!

  77. I am a new follower. I want this so bad to make my indoor pictures better. Great giveaway!!

  78. I really need one because my sister has been bugging me for over a year now to get one for my camera! ha!

  79. I visited Light Scoops website and boy do I need one!! I have countless blurry and/or improperly exposed photos that could have been avoided if only I had one!!!

  80. I subscribe to your email too :)

  81. I visited the Lightscoop website, and this is an answer to my prayers! I want this! I need this!! I am so tired of fighting my flash!

  82. I subscribed to you via email!

  83. I visted the website and boy I would love one! I hate the shadow on the wall behind my baby because of teh flash! I also hate all the dark shadows on her sweet face!

  84. I like the light scoop on FB and left a comment telling why I needed to win one.

  85. This is a great product and completely new to me! I love how simple it is to use and how affordable it is compared to buying other flash equipment. I definitely need to win this for it's ease of use and for the great changes it'll make for my photos!

  86. I could really use this. Our house is dark and our flash comes on most of the time. It would be great to have.

  87. Just visited the Light Scoop website - very impressed. I would love this camera because I am passionate about capturing the beautiful moments of my children's lives and I wish my current camera was as passionate as I am. But it isn't. This camera would rock!
    dana dot breeden at gmail dot com

  88. Did I mention that winning camera would rock?!! Just subscribed to your blog via email. thanks! dana dot breeden at gmail dot com

  89. I neeeeeed a light scoop! LOL, I actually have never heard of it until now. But you did a good job making me feel like i need it! I take lots of kid pics for my family, so any help is good help!


  90. I have only had my DSLR a few days, so I NEED this to complete my experience. LOL

    lottstodo @ gmail(dot)com

  91. I'm about to get my first dslr camera after 6 years of pining for one. I would love this little accessory becasue I like taking close up pictures which is hard to do with the direct flash.

  92. I follow you on google reader

  93. I blogged about this contest. (Comment 1)

  94. I blogged about this contest. (Comment 2)

  95. I blogged about this contest. (Comment 3)

  96. I visited their site and loved all the before and after pics! Great results, I need one for my business but more importantly to capture my kids adorable moments! Love this product!

  97. I am a follower on facebook for LightScoop!

  98. I am a follower of WomenWhoDoItAll on facebook!

  99. My husband is a budding photographer and we are slowly purchasing all the goodies that go along with that hobby. As I have started blogging about my experiences crafting I have seen first hand how hard it is to get decent pictures of my projects. Our apartment doesn't have a lot of natural light so I always resort to using flash. I hate it. So I visited the LS website and I realize that even if I don't win, I need to buy one. :)

  100. I just blogged at:

  101. I just blogged at:

  102. I just blogged at:

  103. I so need one of these! I am always trying to take pictures inside and this would be so perfect! Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. Love this! I have an etsy shop and so many times I put off taking product pictures because the lighting is terrible in our house, and it's not always nice enough outside to take pictures, or the time of day when I can {nights} doesn't work!

  105. Like on facebook and left a comment.


  106. I liked them on FB


  107. I LOVE this product! It is just what I have been looking for. I don't use my big flash because it is a big pain and it rarely makes my pictures look any better!!! This is a must have for photographers!! Thank You!

  108. I would love to win it because it would improve my flash pictures so much! I al a natural light photographer, but sometime the light is not perfect so, this would help me get the perfect picture with out the horrible "flash" regular light!

    Thank you so much

  109. I follow you on Fb! and also left a message on LightScoop!

  110. 1. I post about your giveaway on my blog @

    Thank you

  111. 2. I post about your giveaway on my blog @

    Thank you

  112. 3. I post about your giveaway on my blog @

    Thank you

  113. Ooh. Pick me, Pick me! Haha. I can not believe the difference this product makes on photos. I am always taking photos and then running them through photoshop to make them look better either for my blog, my business or my family.

  114. I live on the Oregon Coast and there are times that I would have to wait WEEKS for "natural light" to occur! (just kidding! - - maybe!) I have a nice Nikon DSLR but it doesn't matter how nice the camera is if there is no light to go in the lens! This would solve sooo many of my problems!
