Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hooo Are You? and Shutter Love Tuesday

Besides linking up my crafty projects, today I am also participating in Hooo Are You over at Night Owl Crafting and Shutter Love Tuesday at The Trendy Treehouse.

Does anyone else participate in Hooo Are You?  I would really like to get to know my readers more and let you all know more about myself, so I think this linky party is a fun idea.  Let me know if you participate too, I would love to stop by your blog and check out your answers.

Here's this week's questions:

1. Do you make a budget and keep it, or just fly by the seat of your pants?

We keep a budget for sure!  Can't say we always stick to it, but we try!  Isn't it crazy to look at your budget and see how much stuff adds up?! {Even when you think you're all thrifty}
2. Do you do spring cleaning and if so which month?

3. Are you a yard sale lover and do you have them and go to them?
I've never had one of my own, but I do like to go to them, especially for baby stuff!!!
4. What do you take when you have a headache?
Well right now I'm preggo so it has to be Tylenol.  Otherwise anything works for me.

5. Name 3 things that you feel lucky to have in your life!
My hubby, my son {obvious answers, right?!}, and hmmmmm, this one's a little harder.  Security I guess.  It's easy to take for granted that you know you'll always have a good meal and a warm house. 

And now for Shutter Love Tuesday.  This week's theme is swings.  Here's my entry.  I would LOVE if any of you had the time to go vote for me :)  Click here.


  1. I liked reading about you...my name is Joyce nice to meet you :)

  2. I linked up to Hoo are you a couple of weeks ago. Maybe I will link up again.

  3. i've not joined this hop, but i enjoy learning more about the bloggers behind the blogs. what a sweet tire photo!
