Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Indulge With Me

I saw this on my friend Brittany's blog {here} and thought it was a fun idea.  It's a linky party that The Undomestic Momma has every Tuesday where you post your favorite two dream rooms. 

Sometimes it's fun to entertain fantasies, right?  Like what your house would like like if you had unlimited funds.  Well it ended up being harder than I thought it would be.  I couldn't seem to find any perfect rooms.  Am I picky or what?!  It was fun looking at beautiful rooms though, and here are a couple that I loved. 

Gorgeous Pottery Barn Living Room

And a precious matching nursery for my soon to be two little guys.  Also from Pottery Barn.


  1. super lovely picks!!

    stopping by from TOP TWO TUESDAY
    please visit my NEW blog on Wordpress.
    I am new on wordpress, coming from blogger!
    It's such change, and Im having trouble adjusting!



  2. I didn't realize you were having twin boys!! Congrats!! I can see such cute matching onesies with just a little color variation!! Yay!!!

  3. What a great idea. I love PB as well and could just move into their displays, but ... what's the fun in that, and who can afford it?

  4. My dream house was going to be a three-story house, with a pool in the basement, and a fountain inside the pool going up through the floors to my bedroom. Ahhhh, imaginings of a tweener!

    Marcy @ Life's Gristle

  5. Those are great rooms!

    I'm awarding you the Stylish Blogger Award!!! I love reading your blog on a daily basis. If you want to accept the award and forward it on to another blogger, visit me and grab it!!

    Marcy @ Life's Gristle

  6. I love that nursery! I took an idea from a Pottery Barn catalog when I did my little one's nursery...they always have the BEST ideas!

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