Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Some Shout-Outs and Some Winners

First shout out: Chanin at Doodleblogs!  I've already had a few sweet comments about my new blog design (thank you all!) and I have to say I love it too!  Chanin is such a pro, I couldn't believe how easy the process was!  I wasn't even quite sure of what I wanted, but with what little I gave her Chanin was able to create something I LOVE! 

She is definitely not one of those fake it 'til  you make it designers you sometimes see.  She knows what she's doing!  She's got the natural eye for it and all the know-how.  She put my design together so fast!  And she went above and beyond.  She made it so whenever I type in a title in my sidebar it automatically goes into those cute little images.  I didn't even know that was possible!  I thought you had to upload each one individually.  This is making my life SO much easier!  If you need any blog design services Doodleblogs is the place to go!
Second shout out: The creators of WhoopdWhoop contacted me to let me know about their new website.  It's a money free market place for crafty people.  I've checked it out and it looks pretty dang awesome!  For awhile I was pretty into trading websites for movies, cds, and books, but what a great idea to trade our creations!  If you haven't stopped by yet, go check it out, it looks like a whole lot of fun!
Third and final shout out: I received an email from the owner of this cute etsy shop.  Amazing thing, she's only 13!  She's got gorgeous flower clips and a portion of her proceeds go to the medical bills of her grandmother who has breast cancer.  I felt I should pass it along to all of you because I'm a sucker for a good cause!
And now for some winners:

Thanks to everyone who entered for one of my party/shower decor packs!  The winners are-

Congrats winners, email me with which theme you would like (shower or bday party; boy or girl) at womenwhodoitall@gmail.com.


Have you checked out my newest sponsor yet?  Yellow Plum Blossoms may be the cutest little etsy shop I've ever seen.  They have gorgeous, quality items for mom and baby!  I hope you'll check them out and show my sponsors some love. 

New giveaway coming Thursday.  Want a hint?  It's pretty much the coolest product every :)  Stop by tomorrow for Idea Sharin' Wednesday and Thursday to check out the giveaway. 
Hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday!  I've got a Dr. appointment to see if I'm dilated at all yet, wish me luck :)


  1. Awww....thanks so much for the shout out Jill! I'm so glad that you like your blog! I really enjoyed working with you!!! :)
