Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Idea Sharing Wednesday

Hello all you crafty blog friends out there! Welcome to Idea Sharing Wednesday. My name is Caitlyn and I'm so grateful to Jill for asking me to host Idea Sharing Wednesdays. I am from He Sowed She Sewed, a husband and wife blog focusing on gardening, sewing projects, and whatever other little adventures we discover. Jared is in charge of the gardening posts and I do the sewing projects for your entertainment.

We just moved to the far reaches of the Upper Midwest and we couldn’t be happier. We have two rambunctious daughters 3 and 1 ½ who don’t let us take a breath until they are either napping or in bed for the night. I'm so excited to learn from you all and to get busy on some of the marvelous ideas you share.

If this is your first time to a linky party, welcome! There are some tips to help you out, here.

Comments are strongly encouraged and appreciated.

Hope you are all having a fantastic week and are getting outside a bit to enjoy the summer weather.

Here are some great ideas from the past week:

Many ingenious ideas to make your chairs look especially gorgeous on your big day, click here.

Delicious Smore Blondies! Find the recipe at, Mikey's in My Kitchen.

A super cute idea over at I Heart Nap Time. This mom wanted an easy way to keep track of what grade her kids were in when she looks back at pictures of their first day of school.

I love this porch. I want the dangling nautical items and I adore the old window that has been nailed to the outside of the railing. Find this and other incredible tips over here.

In honor of my dear oldest sister who is gluten-free, click here.

July 17th 001

If you have a kid birthday party to plan here is a great place to start.


Thanks to everyone for visiting and contributing!

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog. I love it. Thank you also for the linky party. Glad to find someone else who crochets!

    Jill of
