Friday, September 23, 2011

Ruffle Fabric Apron

I have fallen in LOVE with ruffle fabric.
Have you heard of it?
It's awesome!

Check it out
You are going to love it too.

Ruffle Fabric Apron Tutorial:
1 Yard of ruffle fabric
1 Package of Bias Tape
I used one of my other aprons as my guide.
The ruffle fabric is great to work with but it is also kind of tricky.
It doesn't require seams or even a serge stitch. 
It doesn't unravel.
Awesome right!

To cut the fabric:
Lift the ruffle up and cut just under it: 17" x  25".
Make sure when you cut the length of the fabric
to be sure all the ruffles are facing the same way.
Cut the Bias tape: 58"
Fold the tape over and iron.
Like so.
On each end iron and fold into a point.
Like so.
To attach the bias tape to the bottom skirt I used fusible webbing.
Like I said its kind of tricky to work with.
It stretches and the ruffles sometimes like to get in your way.
Using the webbing just made it easier so I didn't have to pin it in a hundred places.
Here is a close up.
You can see the raw edge of the ruffle skirt.
Open up the bias tape,
lay the fusible webbing inside,
and sandwich the raw skirt edge between the fold of the bias tape.
Now iron it together.
This is what it will look like after you iron it.
Stitch 1/4" from the edge,
from one end of the bias tape to the other.
Cut your top piece: 15" x 12".
Again using the fusible webbing,
iron the top piece to the bottom piece.
I did this just to hold it in place
until it could be sewn.
Sew two stitches - one on the top and one on the bottom.
The fabric is thin, I thought it needed a little reinforcement.
Roll the top edge of the top piece and stitch using a gathering stitch.
Don't back stitch.
Pull the thread so the fabric gathers.
Once you have the top gathered as you like it,
stitch in place with a zigzag stitch.
Here is a close up of what the finished top looks like.
Using the last of the bias tape (apx 29"), cut it in half.
This will become the two pieces (each 14.5") that you will tie around your neck.
Using the same technique as before iron and stitch them to the top piece.
I could't resist making a flower for my apron.
I used Satin and burned/melted the edges.
 Added the feathers.
I made it into a pin so I could easily remove it so I can wash the apron.

There you have it.
  A Ruffle Fabric Apron.
Doesn't it just make you want to cook or clean something!



  1. Okay I need that!!!So cute I may be in love with ruffle fabric to now.Wishing you a weekend filled with joyful things, Katherine

  2. Hi amy!
    I discovered ruffle fabric last week (i bought some at fabric depot at 40% off). I'm trying to make a dress for Lane and my machine is having a hard time with the fabric. What type of needle are you using? What is your tension set at? Any other tips to make it easier to sew?

  3. Jill, that's gorgeous! I wouldn't cook in it though... it's too nice!

  4. Shannan (and any other readers struggling to sew ruffle fabric),
    It is tricky to sew. It's stretchy and thin so it requires a little special attention. Since I'm not sure exactly what you are struggling with, I will just give you a few suggestions: try lessening the tension on your machine to a 5, 4 maybe even a 3. Play around a little to find the right setting. I noticed if my tension was too high it pulled too much on the fabric and stretched it as I sewed. Also, try using a Jersey/Ball Point Needle instead, it won't damage or break the knit fibers. Hopefully this helps. I definitely think it takes some practice and a few goof ups to learn to sew with this fabric, but it is totally worth the effort! Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions!


  5. Ruffles make anything wonderful. Love this!!

  6. Another good tip is to use a zig zag stitch whenever you are sewing knits, otherwise you will pop or skip stitches.
