Thursday, December 1, 2011

Frame Worthy Shot. . . Open for Business!

Hello everyone, I'm so excited to start blogging about what I'm passionate about.  I hope many of you will find the photography information useful and interesting.  I'm going to start by introducing myself and telling you about my plans for this blog.

As you probably already know, I'm Jill.  This is me and my cute family.
You can probably tell by the photos of my family, I stay busy!  My boys are a full time job all by themselves but I make time for my photography because I love it.  It's my hobby, and lucky for me, it's also my job. 

I own a portrait studio, Sweet Confections Photography.  I specialize in newborns but I really do a little of everything.  You can see my work at my website, my blog, or my facebook.
I am a self taught photographer and I am in no way going to claim I know everything, but I've managed to build a successful business and I want to share some of that knowledge with fellow photographers and aspiring photographers.  My goal is to save other aspiring photographers some of the blood, sweat, and tears that I put in over the years. 
As you can probably see from my work, I love props.  I have a somewhat whimsical style.  I also love photojournalistic shots, particularly with families.  I love capturing that emotion, and even better, I love seeing my clients' reactions when they see those photos!
Okay here are my plans for this blog:
- digital design freebies
- posing tips
- technical stuff
- studio lighting set-ups
- finding the light when shooting outdoors
- session tips
- marketing and sales tips
- post-processing tutorials
- prop and action reviews and giveaways
- weekly photo contests
- guest photographer interviews
-question and answer

and so much more. . .

So here's your chance. . . Got photography questions?  Email them to me at  I will not have time to reply to each email individually but once I week I will choose one email to answer in detail in a blog post.  So gather your questions and send them my way. 

Thanks for supporting me in my new endeavor.  I hope some of you will be active participators!  Let's have fun!


  1. I can't wait to see all that you will be sharing with us! I went all out and bought a really good camera and am trying to figure out how to use it.

  2. Hi Kim, thanks for the comment! I'm glad you're putting in the time to figure out your camera instead of just giving into auto mode :) You'll learn some great stuff here!

  3. Jill, your blog is adorable. I can't wait to see what kinds of tricks you can teach us. I have no clue about photography but I really do desire to have awesome pictures. Good luck!

  4. Jill, I am VERY excited to see you branh off into photography.. I WILL be HERE MORE than normal as it's one of my fav things EVER.. Looking forward to learning and staying inspired.. BRAVO CHICA.. Excited for you.. : )) xoxo ~M

  5. Yay! I'm excited to keep up with this blog! (: Your portraits are beautiful!

  6. I own two external flashes and have NO CLUE how to use them. I could really use a tutorial or two on this topic! I'm excited for the new blog, it sounds wonderful and full of goodies!

  7. Thank you all for the sweet comments! I'm so glad to see some excitment!!

    April, you've got it. I can add flash to the list after the shooting in manual series.

  8. ahhh the baby in the basket is SOOOOOOOOO cute!

  9. Nice, This Post is very much relevant and Informatics. I was in search of such kind a stuff. So, I like this, what You have shared. Thanks a lot

  10. wow I can't believe you are a self taught photographer..your photos are amazing....I love photography and I also love Photoshop, but I only know the basic...I was checking a blog(Don't remember which one ,but it was about house decorations) and luckily i found you..and ever since I've been hooked...

  11. Judy, thank you so much for the sweet comments. They both brought a big smile to my face! I love hearing that I've actually been successful in helping someone! I hope I can continue to inspire you :). Feel free to send any questions my way.
